Statutory Information

Registered Office & Senior School Postal Address

Bootham School
YO30 7BU

Tel: 01904 623261

Head: Deneal Smith

Junior School Postal Address

Bootham School
YO30 7BU

Tel: 01904 655021

Head: Helen Todd


Clerk to the Governors: Catherine Woodbine

(contactable via the above address c/o Sue Harrison, PA to the Bursar)


The School is required to publish the number of complaints registered under the formal procedure (Stage 2 or 3) during the previous academic school year. During the Academic Year 2022/23 the formal complaints procedure was invoked zero times.

The Aims of a Bootham Education

In pursuing our vision and in seeking to promote the purpose of a Bootham Education we set ourselves the following aims:

  • We aim to continue to grow and further develop a thriving community that reflects Quaker principles and practices, helping each individual to grow to recognise and develop ‘that of God’ in themselves and in other people
  • We aim to help all students to become the best person that each can be and to achieve the best of which each is capable
  • We aim to promote aspiration; the habits of hard work and self-regulation; and the meeting of high standards of personal conduct in all aspects of work and relationships
  • We aim to develop our students into genuinely good people who are reflective, who seek truth and light, and whose lives speak with integrity of positive, pro-social values
  • We aim to promote kindness, a questioning spirit, humility, and a deep sense of social responsibility, as well as both the courage and confidence to speak up, and to work to build a better world
  • We aim, as staff, to be ‘patterns and examples’ to our young people, modelling the qualities and values that we aspire for them to hold, and to do so with patience but in the expectation of high standards, seeking for -and helping them to seek for- ‘that of God’ within them
  • We aim, as an employer, to provide a stimulating, fair and supportive working environment in which all employees understand the role they play in building a better world and know that they are valued for playing it

Bootham School Values

At Bootham School we value an approach to our community which:

  • looks for, responds to and works hard to draw out ‘that of God’ in others and in themselves
  • seeks to make a positive contribution to the our community and shows respect for its Quaker values, practices and heritage
  • speaks with integrity of a straightforward, kind, caring and unquestioningly respectful approach to others
  • is wholehearted, demonstrating commitment both to being the best that they can be and to the hard work needed in rising to the challenge of high standards and high expectations
  • speaks truth, placing honesty in all things as a priority and is able to resolve conflict peacefully
  • is ambitious to improve the world for others -near and far- in whatever ways they can