Open Day Tips – What to Look Out For

  • Written by Jenny Dinning
  • April 17, 2024
  • News & Events, Boarding

🔍 Exploring Independent Schools? Here Are 10 Must-Check Points for Open Mornings! 🔍🎓

As a parent, choosing the right school for your child is one of the most significant decisions you’ll make. Open mornings offer a fantastic opportunity to delve into the ethos, facilities, and atmosphere of a prospective school. Here are ten essential aspects to consider during your visit:

Warm Welcome: Pay attention to the initial greeting. Does the staff make you feel valued and welcomed? A friendly atmosphere speaks volumes about the school’s community.

Student Engagement: Are students actively involved in the open morning? Their enthusiasm and interaction can provide valuable insights into the school’s culture.

Academic Offerings: Explore the curriculum and academic programmes offered. Look for a balance between traditional subjects and modern disciplines, tailored to nurture your child’s interests and talents. For example, at Bootham, our students have the opportunity to study GCSE Astronomy and some have gone onto study Astrophysics and work at NASA.

Teaching Approach: Talk to academic staff. Is there a focus on interactive learning, critical thinking, and individualized support?

Facilities and Resources: Assess the school’s infrastructure, including classrooms, libraries, sports facilities, and technology resources. Are they well-maintained and conducive to learning?

Extracurricular Activities: Inquire about extracurricular opportunities such as sports, arts, clubs, and community service. A well-rounded education extends beyond academics.

Student Well-being: Explore the school’s approach to student well-being and pastoral care. Is there a supportive system in place to nurture students’ emotional and social development? Is there a school counsellor?

Parental Involvement: Learn about opportunities for parental involvement and communication with teachers and staff. A strong partnership between home and school enhances a child’s educational journey.

Diversity and Inclusion: Consider the school’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. A diverse student body and inclusive environment foster empathy and understanding.

Success Stories: Seek out testimonials or success stories from current students and alumni. Their experiences can offer valuable perspectives on the school’s impact on personal and academic growth. Check out their social media sites and website.

Remember, choosing the right school is a deeply personal decision. Take your time to explore, ask questions, and envision how each school aligns with your child’s unique needs and aspirations. Contact us to book a visit:

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